The artwork is powder coated on a flexible architectural mesh, woven in stainless steel. The artwork panels work in concert with a second mesh, which will support vines that will grow up the parkade.
Above: Design process from inspiration, to fabric design, to photograph, to image ready for production.
The artist designed fabrics inspired by the stories and printed them on fabric. The edge was sculpted into the shape of Nova Scotian shorelines, anchoring the fabric’s fluid nature. The fabric was photographed, then edited and translated into an image that the manufacturer could produce.
Mesh panel being unpacked from shipping crate.
Installation of artwork panels on the façade facing Summer Street.
Video: Construction in progress.
Andrea Tsang Jackson is a Canadian-born visual artist of Chinese descent based in Kjipuktuk / Halifax, Nova Scotia. Her work takes the traditional craft medium of quilting and applies it to a contemporary context.
This project is possible with the participation of many people who offered their time, knowledge, and collaboration.